The Lumberwoods, Unnatural History Museum was established in 2006 as a creative project to promote folklore, provide public access to rare texts, and renew interest in storytelling and a cultural heritage. Originally simply titled Lumberwoods, the project has taken on multiple forms since its inception. The current incarnation is a virtual museum of unnatural history, with 800+ pages of folkloric materials, for the use and enjoyment of curiosity seekers, folklore enthusiasts, independent researchers and casual web-surfers.
To date, the Lumberwoods, Unnatural History Museum has been referenced by Wired, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, MSN, Mental Floss, Cracked, “Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus”, The Awl, Listverse, Thirllist, MetaFilter and 150+ sites.
Additionally, the museum has been cited by the following podcasts: Cryptopedia, Superduperstitious, Creepy Critters, Mysterious Creatures Program, The Confessionals Podcast, MonsterTalk, The Cryptidbits Podcast, And That's Why We Drink Podcast, Two Wizards Podcast, The Hidden Zoo, Bug in a Rug, This Myth Again, Cryptid Addicted, Boos and Booze, Mysteries, Monsters, & Mayhem, Just a Story, Prairieland Paranormal Podcast, Non Existent Podcast, Just Might Exist, Willing & Fable, The Neatcast, Let Me Tell You About..., Creepy InQueeries, Cornfield, Wisconsin, The Tinfoil Terrarium, Cascadia Crime & Cryptids, The Places You'll Go, Ghost Stories in the Sunlight, Are They There Yet?, Aloreing Podcast, This Podcast Doesn't Exist, Cryptic Soup Pod, Critically Cryptid among others. — Lumberwoods, Unnatural History Museum - Director: Lenwood S. Sharpe ♢ Copyright © 2022 Thrill Land — A Product of Bumpass, Virginia, U.S.A.